As an urogynecologist, Dr. J. Kyle Mathews specializes in helping women with problems like: maintaining urinary tract health, providing proactive care for pelvic organ prolapse, and reversing incontinence. Dr. Mathews also feels a responsibility to share the latest information about the important subject of bladder health awareness with women in the Dallas area.
With this in mind, Dr. Mathews is participating in Bladder Health Awareness Week by holding a fun event for women—a luncheon on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Dr. Mathews wants women to come together for a time of sharing and learning as we celebrate this week that was created by the National Association for Continence to educate the public about bladder health issues.
Dr. Mathews believes that women need to learn more about bladder and pelvic floor conditions and the treatments that are available to them so they can feel empowered to take control of their bladder health. So often, women have suffered in silence, too embarrassed or afraid to come forward and talk to their doctors, their families of their friends. We need to remove the stigma from bladder issues and treat them like any other health problem—something that we can discuss, diagnose and treat to improve the quality of women’s lives.
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Time: 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 pm
Place: The Community Room next to the Mariposa® Restaurant
Neiman-Marcus Willow Bend is located at –
6121 W Park Blvd.
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 202-4900
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Tags: bladder health event in dallas | Category: bladder health event, Dr JKM |
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