
Perineoplasty Corrects Past Episiotomy Tears

The perineum or perineal body is the area between the vagina and the rectum. This is the region where episiotomies are cut and where tears during childbirth are most common. Perineoplasty (or Perineorrhaphy) aims to make this region appear normal by excising excess skin, loose skin tags, and suturing the underlying muscles closer together to give a more snug feeling at the entrance and decreasing the size of the vaginal opening.

Most plastic surgeons who perform Vaginoplasty surgery are actually performing Perineoplasty surgery, a more superficial procedure that does not tighten the entire depth of the vaginal canal. This procedure has been advertised by many to “Enhance Sexual Gratification. However, because only the first few centimeters or so of the vagina is addressed, many patients are disappointed. Dr. Mathews almost always accompanies Vaginoplasty with Perineoplasty to address the entire length of the vagina resulting in a superior result. This procedure takes 30 minutes to perform.