A recent Study from Italy looked at the cosmetic outcomes of different types of skin closures after cesarean section.
Patients were randomized to have skin closure following CS with either staples or 3 different types of subcuticular sutures. Scar quality was evaluated 2 and 6 months postoperatively. No difference in both subjective and objective scar rating was detected across groups at either 2 months or 6 months.
The study concluded that in women undergoing CS, stapled wounds and those closed with subcuticular sutures result in equivalent cosmetic appearance of the scar.
J. Kyle Mathews, MD
Plano OBGyn Associates
Plano Urogynecology Associates
Tags: cesarean section, Cosmetic, CS, different, Dr. Mathews, Italy, kyle mathews, Skin Closure, Study, women | Category: News & Education, Obstetrics |