The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox; Allergan Inc) for headache prophylaxis in patients with adult chronic migraine who suffer headaches on 15 or more days per month, each lasting more than 4 hours.
Tags: adult, Botox, Botox Cosmetic, botulinum toxin, Dr. Mathews, FDA, headache symptoms, kyle mathews, migraine headaches, Patients, Russell Katz, Susan Jeffrey, symptoms
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Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) is a condition of the urinary bladder associated with pelvic pain, pressure, or discomfort with persistent urge to void in the absence of urinary tract infection. The condition was first given its name in 1887 and has undergone several name changes and diagnostic criteria. Over 33 million Americans are affected by urinary dysfunction making this condition more prevalent than adult onset Diabetes in the U. S.
Tags: adult, bladder pain, carrolton, cystitis, dysfunction, endometriosis, frisco, IC, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, lewisville, Mckinney, Painful Bladder Syndrom, pelvic pain, plano, symptoms, urinary dysfunction, urinary tract infection, urogynecology, women
Posted in Bladder Dysfunction, News & Education, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery & Urogynecology | No Comments »
Urinary urgency and frequency affects over 33 million Americans. That’s about 1 in 6 adult in the United Stated today. Over Active Bladder (OAB) along with Painful Bladder Syndromes – Interstitial Cystitis, is more common than adult onset Diabetes.
Patients who have these conditions often report worsening symptoms with the intake of certain foods or fluids. The elimination of these foods and beverages often result in significant improvement in symptoms.
Tags: adult, carrolton, Coffee, dallas, Foods to avoid, frequency, frisco, IC, Incontinence, interstitial cystitis, kyle mathews, lewisville, Mckinney, painful bladder, Painful Bladder Syndromes Interstitial Cystitis, plano, Plano Urogynecology Associates Urinary, symptoms, United Stated, urgency, Urinary, urogynecology
Posted in Bladder Dysfunction, News & Education, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery & Urogynecology | No Comments »