When a woman finds out that she is infertile, it can be devastating. Just the sensation of knowing that she can’t conceive children is a very discourage experience. However, it is significant to know what causes the infertility because sometimes all it takes is a doctor’s advice or the use of a medicine to change…Read the Rest of Article
Tags: Biopsy, clomid, estrogen, female, Infertility, infertility treatment, male, obesity and infertility, ovaries, progesterone, woman, women
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Women who were pregnant between 1938 and 1971 were commonly given diethylstilbestrol (DES) by their doctors. DES is a synthetic estrogen. Doctors used to believe that DES helped to reduce the number of miscarriages and premature births that women were experiencing. If your mother was given DES, then you may experience some infertility problems or other health complications as a result.
Tags: cancer, DES, doctors, estrogen, Exposure, Infertility, infertility problems, infertility treatment, pregnancy complications, premature births, synthetic estrogen, women
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Slightly more than 4% of babies born via assisted reproductive technology, in vitro fertilization (IVF), may have major birth defects, such as heart, urinary, and genital tract malformations, according to a new study.
Tags: Beckwith Weidemann, birth defects, genetic diseases, heart defects, ICSI, infertility treatment, IVF, medical, new, outside, reproductive technology
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