Prolapse. What is it and what can be done. What is a Cystocele, Rectocele, Prolapse of Uterus, Prolapse of Vagina, Stress Urinary Incontinence. Treatment Options
Tags: doctors, Dr. Mathews, Fallen Baldder, Incontinence, medical, minimally invasive, Prolapse, Prolapse Bladder, Prolapse Uterus, stress urinary incontinence, symptoms, urinary bladder, Vagina, What is it, women
Posted in Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery & Urogynecology | No Comments »
Pregnancy and Exercise, Update Overdue Recommendations for exercise developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American College of Sports Medicine were established about15 years ago, and it has been 9 years since their adoption by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Finally, new recommendations have been suggested. Specifically, the…Read the Rest of Article
Tags: blood pressure, Exercise, exercise during pregnancy, free, kyle mathews, medical, new, Pregnancy, Update Overdue, without
Posted in News & Education, Obstetrics | No Comments »
Women in their 40s with a moderately high family risk of breast cancer should get yearly mammograms, a new British study suggests.
Though such testing is standard in the U.S. for that age group with a family history, women in Europe who have an intermediate family risk are not always offered screening if they are under 50.
Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer risk, cancer, doctors, Dr. Mathews, Europe, mammograms, medical, Study, woman, women
Posted in News & Education | No Comments »
Internet entrepreneurs have brought new meaning to the phrase “house calls.”
Online companies with names such as “MDLiveCare” and “RingADoc” are diagnosing and treating common conditions such as allergies and the flu over the Internet or on the phone, forcing state regulators to revisit decade-old rules about what constitutes a doctor/patient relationship.
Tags: doctors, Dr. Mathews, Internet, Jordan Michaels, kyle mathews, medical, medicine, new, Online medicine, OPINION, REVIEWS, Telemedicine, without
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