Ultrasound, also called sonography is the most effective imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce the images of various organs, tissues or blood flow inside the body. These high-frequency sound waves are transmitted to the site of interest where the tissues scatter, reflect, and absorb the sound waves to various degrees. The sound waves that are reflected back are converted into electric signals. The recorded signals are analyzed by the computer and then the information is displayed on a screen. Ultrasound is a noninvasive technique that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions.
Tags: birth defects, Conditions, Diagnosis, disease, frequency, Imaging, medical, medical conditions, obstetrics, physicians, reproductive system, Technique, Treatment, Ultrasound
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In human females, menopause usually happens more or less in midlife, signaling the end of the fertile phase of a woman’s life. Menopause is perhaps most easily understood as the opposite process to menarche, the start of the monthly periods. However, menopause in women cannot satisfactorily be defined simply as the permanent “stopping of the monthly periods”, because in reality what is happening to the uterus is quite secondary to the process; it is what is happening to the ovaries that is the crucial factor
Tags: average age of menopause, effects, hot flashes, medical, Menopause, Menopause Effect, natural, ovaries, post menopause, Treatment, woman, women
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The definition of what “standard testing” consists of is not agreed upon by all experts. Unexplained infertility is also referred to as idiopathic infertility. Medical studies have reported that 0-26% of infertile couples have unexplained infertility. The most commonly reported figures are between 10-20% of infertile couples. However, those percentages are from studies in which all the women had laparoscopy surgery to investigate the no longer done as part of the routine fertility workup. Therefore, we are not finding all of the causes of infertility that we used to – leaving more couples in the unexplained category. The current rate of unexplained infertility is probably about 50% for couples with a female partner under age 35 and about 80% by age 40 (see discussion below about female age issues).
Tags: clomid, female, fertility, FSH, infertile couples, Infertility, IUI, together, Treatment, Unexplained, unexplained infertility, women
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Gynecologic cancer: Gynecologic cancer occurs in the reproductive system of woman. This Gynecologic cancer consists of other cancers like fallopian tube, cervix, ovaries, and uterus, vagina and vulva. The risk factors for this cancer are increasing day by day. The most common type of gynecologic cancer is uterus cancer. Nearly 40 percent of cancer cases…Read the Rest of Article
Tags: breast cancer, cancer, cancer cells, Causes, effects, gynecologic, Risk, surgery, symptoms, Treatment, treatments
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