Cosmetic Gynecology is one of the fastest growing segments in cosmetic surgery today. Vaginal Rejuvenation is often used as a general term to describe a number of surgeries such as Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty. A trade marked term, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, gained national attention when introduced on TV a number of years ago.
Tags: Cosmetic Gynecology, Dr. Mathews, kyle mathews, Labiaplasty, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, stress urinary incontinence, surgeries, surgery, tighten, TV, vaginal rejuvenation, vaginoplasty, What is it
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Labiaplasty, Is it right for you? Making the decision. The decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure is a personal one. Making the decision to have a cosmetic gynecologic procedure such as Labiaplasty poses special challenges to many women. Determining what is normal anatomy, the lack of long term scientific studies looking at patients results, and…Read the Rest of Article
Tags: Cosmetic Gynecology, Labiaplasty, Labiaplasty Is it right for you?, Labiaplasty Making the decision, obstetrician gynecologist, pelvic surgery, reconstructive pelvic surgery, right, surgery, Texas, Unlike Plastic Surgery, vaginal rejuvenation, women
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Breast cancer patients with suboptimal vitamin D levels are more likely to have more aggressive tumors and worse prognostic markers than those with adequate vitamin D levels. Kristin Skinner, MD, from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, presented the results of a study here at the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBS)…Read the Rest of Article
Tags: Aggressive Breast Tumors, breast cancer, cancer, Deanna Attai, Dr. Mathews, kyle mathews, Linked to, Luke Peppone, OH, Pam Harrison, Presented April, surgery, Vitamin D Insufficiency
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Dr. Mathews attended the SGS (Society of Gynecologic Surgeons) held in San Antonio Texas April 10th thru 13th. This prestigious meeting emphasized advanced gynecologic and reconstructive surgery techniques with a specific focus on pelvic anatomy and vaginal surgery.
Tags: attended, Dr. Mathews, gynecologic, mathews, pelvic reconstructive surgery, reconstructive surgery, San Antonio, San Antonio Texas April, SGS, SGS meeting, surgery, urogynecology, vaginal surgery
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Over time, many changes occur to the pelvic floor muscles, bladder, rectum, anus, vagina, and labia. There are many causes for these changes; most of which are beyond the control of the individual. Most commonly, pregnancy and childbirth have a dramatic effect on the integrity and strength of the pelvic muscles. Many women heal back to a point where they feel satisfied but often state just not the same? Care providers will usually teach Kegel exercises as a way to improve pelvic function non-surgically. When these efforts are not adequate, many women will seek surgical assistance. Natural aging, repeated heavy lifting, medical conditions that cause a lot of coughing or straining, and weight gain can also lead to drastic changes in genital function and appearance.
Tags: Dr. Mathews, Labiaplasty, medical, new, Rejuvenation, right, sexual, sexual function, surgery, Vaginal, vaginal rejuvenation, Vaginal Tightening, women
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